Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Japan 2013: Episode14

Jim's Turn

Well it seems that my input was wanted for this blog, so here it goes… This is the last day of my vacation and about the midway point for the girls’ stay here. It’s been a lot of fun so far and a big learning experience for me. This is the longest that we have all stayed together under one roof and it can get a little hectic at times. Olivia has been a real trooper with all of the moving around and has been very understanding when we’ve had to make changes to our plans. Becky has been a great aid in getting things done and keeping spirits high as we go from place to place. I’ve been playing the part of taxi driver and island guide for the girls. We’ve been able to go from the south of the island to the very tippy top of the north coast and almost everywhere in between. There have been stops at several different exhibits and parks along the way and lots of jumping into the ocean as well. It’s amazing what can be found here. It seems that every time we turn around there is a new thing to see or do. The time has seemed to fly by!
Starting tomorrow it will be a new type of time for us as I go back to work. It shouldn’t be hard for me to occupy myself but I hope Becky and Olivia don’t get too bored while I’m gone and it’s more difficult to get around. They are very resourceful though and I’m sure they will manage just fine. They will probably find all kinds of stuff to do that I had no idea about. I look forward to hearing all about what they did when I get back home each evening.
Well, this is about the limit for me so I think that I will sign off for now. Hope you enjoyed reading this.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for sharing Jim!! It's a privilege to hear from you and I know I appreciate you joining in The Documentary fun and letting us all into your bubble for a bit! I'm sure it will be hard and you'll find your mind wandering back home to your special ladies.. but I'm also sure it will be a welcome distraction and something to cherish!
