Monday, June 10, 2013

Japan 2013: Episode 6

June 10

American Village

Just a short note today. We went looking for a place that did airbrush temporary tattoos, and after some help from locals learned that place was no longer in business. Liv was disappointed, she had drawn a beautiful picture of a peacock she wanted to have put on her. 


We found the American Village shopping area. It is very neat looking, and reminds me a bit of the Pike Place market area because it winds and turns and there are little shops all over the place. We looked through a few, found a cute shirt for Liv and a nice casual one for Jim. 
We had lunch at a steak place that smelled fantastic.

After lunch Liv and I got really good massages, to make up for the great disappointment of no tattoos. I would say the deep tissue massage at this place was by far better than any I have gotten at Jiva. After all the traveling, it was just the thing we needed to feel relaxed and refreshed.

We toured the Bokunen Art Museum and looked at some fascinating pieces of art, many wood-block prints and a few pieces of pottery. The gift shop had many prints for purchase, Jim and I eyed a few but by that point we were out of money.

View from the top of the balcony

Roof of the Akura building the museum is in
I definitely wouldn't mind going back to this place, mostly for the selection of food places. Like the typical tourist destination, the shopping selection was vast but pricey for the most part. It was a pretty fun excursion.

For my fellow Geocachers, looks like a adventure for another day?

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