Monday, June 17, 2013

Japan 2013: Episode 11

June 15

Ocean Expo Park

What a long and beautiful day we had at this place. The park contains the Churaumi Aquarium and animal pools, Tropical Dream Gardens, Botanical Gardens, Tropical and Subtropical gardens, a planetarium, Oceanic Museum (this was closed for redesign), a couple children play areas, and beautiful things all around. So much to see, we didn't get to nearly all of it. The amazing part? It cost less than $25 per adult (about half that for Liv) for the Aquarium, planetarium and Dream Garden. Many features are entirely free. 

There are many more photos on Facebook.

Nothing like a cool fountain on a hot day

Kids Adventure area

It was ENORMOUS, and this is only the 6-12 year area. There was another for 3-6 year olds.

 Churaumi Aquarium

Hands On pool in the entrance of the Aquarium. We saw some of these creatures in our coral beach at Torii Station.

Coral Reef Aquarium

Puffer Fish

Grouper fish - yep, its big

Clouds of colorful fishes

"Garden Eels" These guys reminded me of Ursula's "pets" from The Little Mermaid
The Big Tank holds many fishes, manta rays, a few dolphins and three whale sharks.

Video of the movement in the big tank

In the mouth of a prehistoric shark thing

Shark Tank

Shark smiles for picture

View of the big tank from the top

Asian sea turtles

 Tropical Dream Garden

Orchids and other beautiful flowers everywhere

Not sure what these are called, but I'm going with "Moose Cabbage"

Cattleya, or "Queen of Flowers"

"Cucumber Tree"
No joke

"Cannonball Tree"

Sunset Square play area

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful experience to see such neat animals so close up! I'm loving your ad-lib descriptions too! hahaha :D
