Monday, June 17, 2013

Japan 2013: Episode 12

June 16

Hiji Falls, Cape Hedo, and Tunnels

We packed up the cabin and enjoyed a morning swim on the South beach at Okuma. This one had very soft sand as well but more bits of coral than the North had. Rain began to come our way, so we packed up the beach gear and showered off, ready to head on to the next adventure. On the beach Olivia cut her foot on a piece of coral, more about that later.

Hiji Falls

The next stop as we left Okuma was to see Hiji Falls, the highest waterfall on Okinawa. The rain was pouring down as we arrived at the base of the trail. We waited out in the shelter of a beautiful cabin style restaurant. Equipped with umbrellas, we began the 40 minute trek to the falls.

This man-made dam at the beginning of the trail had gotten a face-lift to look more natural.

A tsunami last summer cause pretty severe damage to this portion of the trail. They are still working to stabilize the rock and repair the path.

Tricky part of the temporary route

Getting closer

We made it!

Hiji Falls

Olivia was very tired by this point and her feet were hurting

Now to go back the way we came... there were a few sets of stairs like this

 Cape Hedo

After Hiji Falls, we drove to the northernmost point of Okinawa called Cape Hedo. To the right, we see the East China Sea, to the left is the Pacific Ocean. At the base of the tall cliffs are coral beds. Some green foliage grows amid the pointy tops of the cliffs. Beautiful views all around, it was quite a spectacular place.

Cape Hedo

View to the east

"May Peace Prevail On Earth"

Coral reefs below

Jim climbed out a ways on the cliff
View from the cliff

Green succulent type plants grow amid the sharp rocks on top the cliff
Liv was done. Feet just too sore to walk any further.


The coastal drive back home had several tunnels cut through the mountains. In typical car-ride silliness, we played the games of holding ones head on while going over a bridge, and holding ones breath when passing through a tunnel. This tunnel almost got the better of us... 1 minute and 10 seconds from end to end.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the views, super spectacular.. I tried to hold my breath with you guys while watching the video... I didn't make it past 30 seconds! Goodness Jim, I don't know how you did it!!
