Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Japan 2013 - Episode 1

We made it!

What a loooonnnng trip, but we did make it safely and without too much excitement to Okinawa, Japan to spend some time with our favorite gentle giant, Jim :)

Timeline of the travel...

12:00 AM Central, June 4 - Liv and I wake up, although we didn't really sleep very well being so anxious for the upcoming adventure - by far the biggest of either of our lives.
1:00 AM Central, June 4 - Mom picks us up at drives us to the airport in Cedar Rapids. We opted to leave so early because 1) I thought it took longer than 45 minutes to get to Cedar Rapids and 2) there was massive construction at Waterloo and at the Cedar Rapids end of Hwy 380. Being the middle of the night, traffic was not a problem. It was kind of neat to see the night-construction crews at work with their "stadium" style lighting in Cedar Rapids. I suppose that's the only time they can get anything done without a massive transportation meltdown on such a major road.
We arrived with about 3 hours before the flight. We stopped at a Casey's for some coffee and bananas. Then to wait at the airport. We were the only people there besides a custodian vacuuming. Very slowly more people began to arrive... Security personnel, passengers, airline workers. It reminded me a lot of that scene in My Fair Lady when the city began to awaken.
We got checked in and through security without a problem.
5:30 AM Central, June 4 - Plane from Cedar Rapids to Chicago takes off on time. The flight lasts about 55 minutes. This plane had 2 seats on each side with an aisle down the middle.

Very empty airport

Liv and me, ready for our adventure to begin

The luggage

Taking off from Cedar Rapids
6:45 am Central, June 4 - Land in Chicago. We have about 1 hour 45 minute layover until the next flight. We found the gate for the next departure, and found a snow globe for Olivia's collection and a postcard. In the check-in line at Cedar Rapids, there was a gentleman I visited with. Making small talk, I had explained we were traveling to Japan to see my husband who is in the Army. The gentleman was a former army brat, and was going to Yakota, Japan. In Chicago, he spotted us and invited us to take advantage of the Premier lounge. Cautiously, we accepted his offer. We enjoyed oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, comfortable chairs, and a spacious bathroom. Thank you to that gentleman, wherever his travels took him!
From Chicago our next leg went to Seattle. The boarding staff asked for any volunteers to gate-check a bag at no extra fee, as there may not be enough room for all the carry-on luggage. I had done this before on the last trip to Seattle, and offered to check our bag that had the electronics, extra change of clothes, and the Japan cell phone in it.
8:18 AM Central, June 4 - Plane takes off from Chicago to Seattle on time. The flight lasts about 4 1/2 hours. Plane had three seats on each side with an aisle down the middle. Liv and I were able to doze most of the way.

Taking off from Chicago

How Liv spent most the flights :)

10:35 AM Pacific, June 4 (12:35 PM Central, June 4) - Land in Seattle on time with about 2 hours until our next flight. Remember we gate checked that one bag? Well the first time I did this, we left the bag at the gate and picked it up in that spot again when we got off the plane. Of course, the first time it was the final destination, no connecting flights. The suitcase was not where I expected to find it when we got off the plane. I asked where to find it, the guy says "Baggage claim." So we head towards baggage claim... to get there we have to leave the secured area, and getting back in requires going through security all over again. I had to get the bag, so we went down to the carousel for our flight. No sign of our distinct red suitcase. I ask the counter there, and show her the tag for the gate-checked luggage. It was checked through to Okinawa, she says. Oh no! No phone in Tokyo, and now we have to get back through security for nothing! We scurry back through the airport, find what gate we need, and get in a long line for security. I worry we won't get through in time to make the flight. The line does move quickly. Our gate is at the very end, we nearly run through the terminal, even on those conveyor belt things. We find our gate and discover group 3 boarding is in progress (that's our group). We didn't miss anything! We didn't have time to look for a snow globe or grab lunch, like we hoped. In the end, we made it.

Cascade Mountain range, coming in to Seattle

12:20 PM Pacific, June 4 (2:20 PM Central, June 4) - Flight from Seattle to Tokyo is scheduled to take off. Due to some customs issue with other passenger(s?) the departure was delayed by almost an hour. The Pilot said the flight was scheduled longer than it really takes, and we would arrive about 15-20 minutes later than scheduled. Flight lasted about 9 1/2 hours. This plane had three seats on each side, and three seats in the middle (two aisles). We were served food several times: pretzels, some gross frozen dinner type entree, a turkey sandwich and ice cream, and finally a choice between gross pot stickers and gross egg omelet.  Liv got the omelet, she said it didn't seem cooked in the middle. I got the pot stickers, they were rubbery. I suppose they do the best they can under the circumstances. We were offered beverages many times as well, and got free movies. Each seat had a screen in front of it (like the ones you see in cars, built into the headrest of the front seat). Liv and I watched several movies together by starting them at the same time. Liv slept well, I got some pretty good sleep. By this time my legs were getting cramps.

Descending to land in Tokyo

Hello Japan!

From here, the landscape doesn't look too different from Seattle. Small bodies of water, lots of farmland.

Look how

long this

wing is!

Farmland in Japan
 2:30 PM Local, June 5 (12:30 AM Central, June 5) - Land in Tokyo only shortly after scheduled time, so we still had most of the 3 1/2 hour layover.  We came into a smaller airport, not the main one. That was a relief, as we had to go through customs and figure out where to go next. The staff were so very kind and helpful! We had no issue with customs. Then we had to find all our checked luggage and check in for the next flight to Naha, Okinawa. We were able to get the Japan phone out after all! At check in, the staff gave us new boarding passes so that Liv and I would be sat next to each other. This was the one flight we couldn't reserve seats on ahead of time. In the terminal we got a few sandwiches to eat and some green tea. It was not nearly as sweet as "green tea" in the US! We enjoyed some time to just sit and relax. 
5:25 PM Local, June 5 (3:25 AM Central, June 5) - Boarding begins for the last flight of our journey. We get on a bus and are taken out to the plane and climb up the stairs to board. The plane has two seats on each side and three in the middle (two aisles). The flight lasted about 3 hours. One unique feature this plane had was a camera under the plane so we watched as the plane took off, ascended, descended and landed. This was especially neat because the sun was down when we landed in Naha, as the plane descended we saw the city lights. Liv slept again on this flight but I was not able to.
8:55 PM Local, June 5 (10:55 AM Central, June 5) - Land on time in Naha, Okinawa. what a relief to be off the last plane! We were both so worn out from traveling. We walked through a pretty empty terminal, collected our luggage from the baggage claim area and then out to the common area to find Jim. He met us with huge smile and hugs, and some very pretty flowers :) Jim drove us to Kadena (about 45 minutes). We are staying in a hotel the first couple nights, so all have a comfortable bed to sleep in. Jim's quarters a small and we will have to make a bed for Liv. 

The terminal in Naha, Olivia saw all these Orchids and thought of Stephen's
Beautiful flowers

Today we plan to take a small tour of the base and stop at the Beach if the weather holds up. Okinawa is entering the rainy season. 


  1. So exciting!!!!" Have fun Kaus'!!

  2. It'll be fun to follow your exploits with this blog. I'm glad you made it there without too many mishaps. We're thinking of you and sending you all our love.
