Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Brazil #9 Second Day in the Amazon

 August 8

The electricity goes on from 6 pm to 6 am. We enjoyed air conditioning for a good night's rest. Breakfast at 7:30 included delicious eggs, tapioca pancakes and fruit. Then a boat trip to a native (Brazilian) village for a walk around to learn about some of the trees and plants that are useful. We stop by one household in particular to see the tapioca cooking area and some plants growing on their property. On our walk we noticed many households keep chickens.

We tasted cashew fruit (the nut must be roasted to be good for eating, similar to a peanut) and a very sour passion fruit. 

We saw a young pineapple, a plant good for medicinal purposes and one used for makeup or food coloring. 

A few others I can't remember the name of that bear useful fruit in their season. 

And the pod of a tapioca plant. The fruit feels like a velvet banana and tastes like pudding. Strangest texture but very good at the same time. 

On our lodge property there is a mango tree with many fruit growing, but they are not ripe yet.

We had time to swim in the river before lunch. The water was warm and almost sweet, not that we tasted on purpose. Gideon and Audrey enjoyed scavenging for natural bits the waters washed up. 

After a familiar lunch of rice, noodles, fish and chicken, it was siestas all around. Then off on the boat again for piranha fishing.

Our guide caught three and Jim caught one. Apparently we will eat them tomorrow for lunch, to they don't appear big enough for more than a taste. When we were done fishing the guide dumped the remaining bait (chicken skin and bits) into the water.

*Look for video on my Facebook page*

Manaus on the horizon

Playing in the sand

A frog hopping around the lodge

The kids played in what was once a sand volleyball pit before dinner. We heard some big frogs calling after the sun went down. Eat dinner, showers and a chapter from Winnie the Pooh to go to bed. And a little after-sun lotion on the boys' rosy faces. I think all the kids enjoyed the day. Not the heat and the walking so much, but the tasting new fruit and swimming and trying to fish. We shall see what kind of adventures tomorrow brings.

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