Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Brazil #2 My Mabu Resort

After two days of traveling and a good night's rest, we are ready to check out all the resort has to offer.

July 31

We have to rouse Audrey and Gideon at 9 AM [15 hours of sleep!] so we don't miss breakfast in the restaurant. A delicious buffet with lots of tasty choices of pastries, fruit, omelets and "tapioca" - looks like little pancakes of tapioca pearls but I don't know what they are exactly. The tiny bit of Spanish I learned in high school isn't especially helpful in a land that speaks Portuguese. Of all these delicious wonders, Gideon chooses cereal and watermelon. After breakfast we try the playroom, an echoing room with space to wiggle but not many toys. 

Then a trip to the grocery store. With only a microwave and mini fridge, we had to get creative to find things we can eat to avoid dining in the restaurant for every meal. Fresh fruit, bread and sandwich fixings, and of course cereal and milk [not refridgerated!].

After lunch it's time to check out the heated pool. It's winter in Brazil now, with temperatures rising to maybe 80°F. But the swimming pool is heated and oh so nice. Audrey got brave to go all the way under (a skill she was working up to in swimming lessons this summer). Gideon has his own method of learning to swim, and no fear of going under. Josiah seems to be part fish as well, and would probably be a great candidate for baby swimming lessons. We will surely have to pay more visits to the pool. 

A movie rest, a microwave dinner of lasagna with salad. Then running around on the soccer field before bed.

August 1

Breakfast of the tastiest honey cheerios I've ever had. The taste like they are coated in real honey (mel). A lovely stroll around the grounds yielded some fascinating flora and fauna.

*Look for a video of leaf cutter ants at work on my Facebook page* https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02MafJuyqHNwqH6jXL8Xt2CBNUG4ddqdzb82ATXzYAnUbuC42ggk23Ak5Lkw3oGVZWl&id=570515282

Another outing to the pool meant another round of swimming practice. Gideon tried to make friends with everyone, and kids find a way to play without a common language. 

We found a little playground down the path at a connected resort to try out. Audrey and Gideon were unimpressed, but Josiah thought it was great. 

Dinner in the restaurant didn't start until 7 pm, so we watched a movie, ate snacks and waited. Needless to say Gideon didn't have much room left for dinner by the time we got there. We all enjoyed tasting new things (various soups and chicken hearts!) And delighted in dessert. 

1 comment:

  1. I just discovered the additional pages to this blog! This is great! I loved seeing Gideon's way of swimming and the underwater shots were so neat! How did you do that? The leaf cutter ants were both fascinating and gave me the willies. Wow there were tons of them! And the food sounds and looks amazing! -Linda
