Friday, January 24, 2014

The Antonym of Productivity

January 24

Well my friends, this week I have become the epitome of unproductive. I have lounged about the apartment in pajamas reading. One day I didn’t even get out of bed until Jim was on his way home for lunch! Just before I sank into an eternity of bonbons and bathrobes, I managed to pick the most beautiful day of the month to go out and do something. I won’t brag too much about the weather out of respect for my favorite Iowans are huddling together to keep warm in frigid arctic temperatures.

My day of productivity began with preparing for the party tomorrow evening. I marinated the ribs and mixed up some chip dip. Just sour cream and a ranch packet, a cop-out I know, but it’s almost the end of the month and the food budget is running thin. Then I started on a walk to Torii station, to check the mailbox. Olivia sent something last week, which unfortunately hasn’t yet arrived. The walk took me through some of the Okinawan countryside. I saw a lot of fields, and occasionally livestock including chickens and cows.

Fascinating trees. I wonder what that fruit is?

Cows. Many were kept in sheds, probably to shield them from the hot sun and because there isn't much room for grazing pastures.

A bailer.

Prettily painted water basins

I sat at the library for a while and read until the Kindle battery said it was running low.  I haven’t charged it since before traveling here. Well rested, I walked home by way of a Patisserie (Bakery) and brought home a few goodies.

Treasures from the patisserie

Croissant like roll with ham, egg salad and melted cheese (Swiss?) and a dollop of ketchup. Really delicious, actually!

I sampled the one with ham, and discovered it has an egg-salad filling and a bit of cheese melted over the top. Very tasty!

After so much walking, I think I might just kick my feet up and read… J

A Few shots from a sunset walk with Jim yesterday evening

Low tide - normally the bottom step is under water

Looking up at the Red Bridge

Gnarly roots. No really...

Its hard to capture in pictures just how green the water is

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