Sunday, January 12, 2014

Settling In

Settling In

January 13, 2014

Only two weeks before Jim came home for Christmas, he moved into an apartment off base. He found a gem of a place, located a mile or two from where he works on Torii Station, and near a walking path, a Starbucks, and a Japanese grocery store. The apartment has three bedrooms, two bathrooms, a huge kitchen (lots of cabinets, not so much countertops, a big living area and two balconies. Before Jim left he was able to get all the stuff moved in but not completely situated. When Jim went to work Friday morning (we arrived on island late Thursday night) I began to unpack and settle in. The apartment has so much more space and storage than the one-room barracks Jim was in before!

Over the next couple of days we got the internet turned on, restarted service to my Japan cell phone, and made several trips to the BX (the Walmart-type store on the larger base Kadena). We also found a couple of Japanese stores for household stuff (also like Walmart but with extensive selection of hardware type stuff). The more major things we had to acquire were a microwave and curtains. I must admit I’m used to having a large variety of options for shopping – store brand groceries, several choices for anything. And if I don’t like what I find at one store, I can go to another store and peruse more options. While the BX does well to have almost everything anyone would need, it makes me realize how spoiled I have been.

Panoramic of the living spaces in the Apartment

The furniture came from the housing office, the rug is Jim's

Already looks lived in, with piles on the table and counter!
The other project we had to conquer was that chair. We discovered all the major parts made it, as well as the instructions (phew!). The only thing missing was the hardware – a few screws, listed on the instructions. We were able to find one size at the Japanese hardware store. The other size of screw just can’t be found here – they go at the joint where the top and bottom of the seat meet. If I ask nicely, Mom might send some.

Step 1: Establish if any parts are missing

Step 2: assemble as much as possible.

Today is Monday, and Jim is at work. Yesterday we went to church and the library. I got Eragon, the first book in a series Olivia is enjoying. I think between writing blogs, letters, reading, and maybe a project or two, I will be able to keep busy. I might even get brave enough to wander out there by myself. I have important places marked on the map in my phone (I really enjoy having a smart phone here!) so I shouldn’t get too far lost. It is frustrating to not be able to read all the signs or potentially not be able to communicate if I needed help.

Oh, I almost forgot… we had our first house guest. While hanging curtains in the bedroom, we met this little guy. It’s hard to see against the paneling, but you can see his eyes shine in the flash. A brown hairy spider, sprawled to the size of my palm. Jim was mean and called me wimpy because I wouldn’t go closer than six feet from it. He wanted to pick the thing up and put it outside, but couldn’t find gloves. The spider ended up being sucked up in the vacuum and disposed of.

I’ve been able to text, call and Skype with Olivia so far. She is being so very strong! We are blessed with the amount of technology available to keep connected.  Even so, it is a hard change to be apart for so long. We pray for strength and comfort to get through each day.

1 comment:

  1. We love you and are praying for you! May both you and Jim and Olivia feel God's presence in a huge way! Thanks for the updates!
