Sunday, January 12, 2014

Back in Japan

Back in Japan

January 13, 2014

Hello friends and family! I am back in Japan so it’s time to wake up the old blog.

First, a brief recap of what has gone on since the last blog in July. Olivia and I returned to Iowa very late at night on July 3rd and attended the Box Family Reunion on Independence Day. We were a bit groggy and jet-lagged, but happy to see the family. I returned to work full time at CBE in mid-July. Olivia began 6th grade (Last year of elementary in CF) in August and has done very well adjusting to a new load of responsibilities and homework. Jim went to Australia right after we left Japan, and then to Washington DC for a class. After the DC class he was allowed to take almost two weeks leave in Iowa. We celebrated his 30th birthday with a rainy, muddy adventure of paintballing followed by grilling (In the rain. Thanks again, Aaron!) and good fellowship with everyone. Autumn blew past and before we knew it Christmas came. Jim came home again for about two and a half weeks to be around for many Christmas celebrations and our first anniversary. We were able to see and spend time with so many people, it was wonderful! On January 9, Jim and I flew to Japan to begin the next chapter of our story. I will be here for about two months. Olivia is being very strong through this change with the help of marvelous technology and support of her dad and step mom, as well as my and Jim’s families. We would appreciate your prayers of encouragement for her!

The next chapter in the story means the next chapter in the blog! While our first trip to Japan was very much a vacation, seeing all the sights and wonders to behold on Okinawa, this second time around will be much more mundane. I don’t anticipate a daily stream of wild adventures… perhaps just the interesting parts of living in a foreign culture.

I pray this finds you all safe and well, and look forward to keeping in contact with all of you.

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